The short, darker days and the bitter chill of winter mean many things but the most exciting ones are the holidays, especially Christmas. The holiday is indeed a magical time. After all, the delicious food, visiting loved ones and above all ripping the presents open. Aren’t the reasons enough to be excited? Moreover, nothing beats Christmas when it comes to having fun and creative gift exchange to make every heart burst with excitement. Therefore, we have come up with surefire Christmas gift exchange ideas that are ideal to implement among friends, family and co-workers. Check out the list below:
Secret Santa
Source: Pixabay
Secret Santa is one of the most preferred Christmas gift exchange ideas, especially at the workplace and social gatherings. As the name suggests, the game keeps it a secret for whom each person will buy a secret santa gift. The rules are pretty simple – you set a price limit, and everyone draws a recipient’s name from a hat without disclosing and buys a gift for the person. Gifts are then kept at a commonplace with the name slips on them. It is indeed a fun way to exchange gifts in an organised way without ruining the surprise.
White Elephant (Yankee Swap)
Source: Pixabay
You really can’t go wrong with the classic and tried game of the white elephant; which is wildly entertaining. If you are new to the game: every participant brings a gift, that is anonymously placed over a table. Then they get to draw a number to set the order to pick a random gift from the pile. However, the next participant can choose to either pick a wrapped present or STEAL an unwrapped gift. ‘Tis all about fun, suspense and action!
Cookie Swap
Source: Pixabay
What’s Christmas without cakes and cookies, right? Perfect for office and kids’ Christmas party settings, cookie swap is one of the sweetest Christmas gift exchange ideas. Here’s how you do it:
- Whip up (or buy) your favourite Christmas cookie recipe.
- Once everyone has come up with their favourite holiday treat, arrange all the cookies on a table.
- Now every guest takes a few from each batch.
- For added fun, you can hand out scorecards and ask them to anonymously vote for their favourite ones. What’s more, some take-home goodies will give your guests much-needed at-home enjoyment and surely sweet memories to cherish even after the party.
The thought behind this Christmas gift exchange idea is that though every participant bakes one kind of cookie but leaves with a variety.
Musical Gifts
Source: Pixabay
Inspired by musical chairs, this version comes with a twist of gift exchange. Arrange chairs (according to the number of guests) whichever way you want with a gift underneath each chair. Once the music begins, everyone walks around the chairs. When the music stops, everyone rushes to a chair and can take whichever gift is under their chair. This game is perfect to play with friends, family and colleagues.
Trivia Swap
Source: Pixabay
Last but not the least, one of the most entertaining Christmas gift exchange ideas is to host a trivia night. Here, all the participants will bring a wrapped Christmas gift. The host will then carry a trivia round. The first person who gives the correct answer can either choose a gift of his/her choice or is given one by the host. One who has received the gift is out of the game, and this continues until all the gifts have been distributed.
All of the aforementioned Christmas gift exchange ideas are fun, creative and exciting enough to try among family, friends, kids and co-workers. Moreover, if you’ve still begun your Christmas shopping, here’re some amazing Christmas gift ideas for him & her to help you get started!