Who needs a superhero when you have a mom, right? Mom, Mumma, Ammee, Mommy, Mother, Mamma, माँ – whatever you call your mother, there is nothing in the world she cannot do. Sure her cape might be invisible and she doesn’t roam around wearing an armour like Iron Man, she is the sole member of the elite group of superheroes and resolves issues single-handedly. She can even fight a force as dangerous as Thanos. All in all, she is the mother of all heroes whose heroic powers are limitless. Mother’s Day will be here in a flash. Hence, we have put together a few proofs that prove moms are superheroes in real life. Take a look!
She can Perform Multiple Things at One Time

Source: GIPHY
Multitasking is her strongest suit! She can cook dinner while keeping the entire kitchen spick and span, help her child with studies while finishing up an important office meeting and get ready while brainstorming ideas and also humming. And saying she maintains an exceptional work-life balance would be nothing but an understatement. Moreover, you can salute her for this quality of hers with nice Mother’s Day gifts that would make her feel loved and valued.
She can Read Minds

Source: GIPHY
Not only does she have eyes on her back, but she can also actually read our minds. Whether you are thinking of a dish, lost in your thoughts, hiding something, or going through some issues – mom can figure out and understand exactly what’s going on in your head.
She Always Flies to your Rescue

Source: GIPHY
Batman has a batmobile, your mom may have a minivan. Whether you forgot your lunch, got stuck somewhere, feeling scared, or in fact, taking care of your own kid – mom always saves the day by coming to our rescue. She is the epitome of selfless love and care who leaves no stone unturned in resolving her child’s concerns. This is another proof that proves moms are superheroes in real life.
Moms have Unexplainable Healing Powers

Source: GIPHY
I was playing in the park, fell down from the swing and bruised my knee. My mom came running, saw the injury and calmed me down. Later, she kissed at that place and the pain whooshed away!
Raise your hands if it also happened to you. No one can heal a wound in a jiffy better than a mom can. Even today, her comforting touch and a warm hug are enough to heal us from any kind of pain. This confirms that she definitely has superhuman and, injury-healing powers. No matter what the illness is – her medicine works like magic! This sweet quality in itself is a powerful phenomenon and should be applauded with a Mother’s Day cake.
She Carries an Unbeatable Strength

Source: GIPHY
Moms have superhuman strength. She bears an unbearable amount of pain that no other human ever can during childbirth. Surviving that pain is proof in itself that moms are superheroes that have superhuman strength. More so, raising a child is an uphill task that requires a tremendous amount of strength, patience and stamina. Until forever, she overcomes all obstacles and burns the midnight oil to ensure the needs of her child are met. For this and many other reasons, you may gift her a bouquet of carnations; the go-to Mother’s Day flower that represents love, strength and fascination.
So there you have it! The aforementioned pointers prove the original feat of mom strength. Moms truly are superwomen and living proof that superheroes are real. Somewhere or the other, she is even hell-bent on protecting you. Therefore, be grateful to her, celebrate her every day, spoil her and pamper her with some amazing Mother’s Day gifts, especially on Mother’s Day.