Oh no! Again? And that too for the 3rd time this week? Boy! You love to be at loggerhead with each other. Well, it’s natural for couples to argue and disagree on and off. After all, you are two separate individuals with different tastes, opinions and views. You are going to have differences sometimes and indulge in hours of a shouting match. Big or small – arguments happen! But what you say or how you behave after that heated spell are equally important to not let the relationships ruin forever. Whether you nervously pluck out the petals to see whether he/she loves you or loves you not or still processing that whole forgive & forget mantra – here are some big NOs & things to avoid right after a big fight with your partner.
Disrespecting Their Need for Space

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In most cases, a person is overwhelmed after the exchange of words and is unable to control their thoughts. In such a situation, chances are your partner will say out things that they don’t mean to. This is why it becomes important to respect their need for space to help them collect their thoughts and calm down. Of course, you might feel anxious or even triggered by the thought, ‘It was his mistake, yet he dares to give me this attitude.’ But the bitter truth is, you need to let go and take a few deep breaths to get a hold of yourself too.
Calling Names

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The worst thing you could do right after a fight with your partner is name-calling. No matter how much things are heated up between the two of you or how much temper you have lost, do not resort to calling out your partner with nasty names. You might not realise it at that point, but this can cause some serious damage to a relationship.
Act as if Nothing Happened

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Ignoring the cause of the fight is guaranteed to get the fireworks started all over again. And pretending like nothing ever happened isn’t a wise option either. Giving them the space is important, however, letting him/her know politely what bothered you will help them get rid of those bitter feelings of resentment.
Broadcasting Details of your Fight

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Remember the saying – what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas? Yes? Stick to that! The next thing to avoid right after a fight with your partner is broadcasting the details of your fight over social media or to a friend. It’s okay if you need a shoulder to lean on or an ear to vent out your pent up emotions, don’t go all out and make your partner the victim. After all, it takes two to tango. Keep what you fight about to yourself!
Don’t Walk Away if your S.O. is trying to Make Peace

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Also, don’t be stubborn by not accepting their apology or hearing them out when your partner is trying to make amends. Giving them cold shoulder will only do more harm than good. If they are offering a genuine and sincere apology, what’s the point of continuing with that pout and sullen face? None of us is perfect. Things happen. People make mistakes. Learn to take it lightly and let go.
Perfect compatibility is a myth. However, sensibly sailing through incompatibility is the key to a long-lasting and happier relationship. These were some of the things to avoid right after a fight with your partner. You may accelerate the process of making up your partner with sorry gifts as well. Also, here are some ways to say sorry to your partner after a big fight. You will thank us later!