As much as we wish for a fairytale romance and fulfilling relationships, it’s not always the case. It hurts to say, but not all relationships last forever. Even when we break up, moving on from it is the most difficult transition in life. After all, we invest so much emotionally, mentally and physically into the person that when the time comes to say goodbye, it’s like giving away a piece of your heart. Also, it takes months and even years to let go of someone you love, especially when he/she has been a crucial part of your life. However, the good news is that you can move on. In this blog, we talk about some effective ways to forget someone.
Cut Off All Modes of Contact

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You won’t be able to move and separate yourself if you keep them close to you or contact them from time to time. So, if you are looking for effective ways to forget someone and move on, that means no texting, no calls, no meetups or any sort of contact. You should even delete the phone number which will curb your urge to reach out to them again.
Whatever Happened, Happened for Good

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Letting go means accepting reality, no matter how gut-wrenching and challenging it is. It doesn’t matter for what reason you broke up with your partner – betrayed your trust, broke your heart or simply wasn’t the one for you, you have to make peace with it. You may take your time to grieve or cry over their absence, but if you want to let go of someone you love, you have to make peace with how things are now.
Stop Talking About them

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Not talking about them after a breakup can be extremely hard. However, living in the past serves no good. Stop talking about them because if you continue to do so, you will keep reminiscing and pondering over ‘Did I do anything wrong?’ It will only hurt you in the long run. If it helps, get rid of everything that reminds you about them
Focus on Yourself

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Self-care is paramount! When you are not with the person you love, you automatically start feeling lost or directionless. This is when you need to refocus your attention on yourself and indulge in self-care. There are many ways you can pamper yourself such as gifting yourself something nice, indulging in sinful delights; chocolates, cakes, etc. Redecorating your nest to feel fresh with all the good things like fairy lights, plants, home decor and many more will surely remove all sour memories. It is the most effective and proven ways to forget someone.
We understand that it’s hard to take care of yourself on your own, especially when you always had someone to look after you. You might not feel like doing anything. But ignoring yourself and your health will only make the process more difficult.
Find Comfort in Family and Friends

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When you are going through the phase of a broken heart, ease the process by confiding in your family and friends. While you might feel the need to be alone during this phase of your life, spending time with your dear ones will accelerate the stages of grief. More so, not only can they offer you a shoulder to cry on but also some words of wisdom that will help you with the process of letting go.
Be Gentle with Yourself

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Healing is not a destination that you can reach in an hour or so. It’s a process that takes a fair amount of time. Breakups feel like a dead-end. Therefore to get over a breakup, be gentle with yourself and process the pain at your own pace. Take all the time you want to cry. Just let out all the pent-up emotions, pain and stress. Also, don’t beat yourself up for not being able to do it right.
When it comes to letting go of someone you love, these six effective ways to forget someone will help you move forward in your life. Rest, live in the present, redirect your attention to what is here and now and embrace the changes as they come.