Do you recall the time when you received a greeting card with a handwritten note? Or when was the last time you wrote a letter to your dear ones? Probably not anytime soon, right? Given our fast-paced and increasingly digital lives, we have lost sight and the importance of that humane touch. Greeting cards are basically a nostalgic way of communicating that is still as delightful and rewarding as ever. They reflect that you have taken out your precious time to pen down your emotions, thoughts, feelings and appreciation for the receiver. Here are some of the reasons why greeting cards should be back in trend.
Show Someone you are Thinking About Them

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Greeting cards are the most thoughtful way to let someone in your life know that they are in your thoughts. No, you don’t need any special occasion to send a greeting card. Even if you are missing someone or thinking about them, simply buy a card, express your thoughts & sentiments, get it stamped and send it. It will reflect that you care and that you went above and beyond to show the other person that they are special and worth thinking of. It will be a nice, uplifting surprise that will brighten their day and, in turn, will make you feel good too.
Something to Cherish for Years

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Let’s admit- we all had a personal treasure box in childhood. It was filled with marbles, stickers, postcards, notes from a crush and many more precious knick-knacks. And we still cherish it, don’t we? Greeting cards are forever keepsakes. Imagine reading a card from a long lost friend from 20 years ago. It will take you back in that era, and you can simply re-live that moment. As Pemberly Fox quotes on their greeting cards pages – The letters, cards and notelets that we send today are the keepsakes of tomorrow. They provide a record of our lives and our thoughts, mementoes of our past for future generations, just like Granny’s letters and photos were for us. Moreover, a physical greeting card is much safer than a digital text/message that has a high chance of getting deleted forever.
Speak Volumes

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You will be lying if you deny that you haven’t shed tears over a well-written or articulated handwritten message and have taken care of it like anything. Since a hand-addressed letter is a rare case today, that’s what makes it so unique. It is a powerful gesture that speaks volumes and expresses more than just written words, often impacting the receiver forever.
Leave a Positive & Lasting Effect

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Greeting cards have a positive influence on our emotional and psychological state. Since finding and writing a greeting card takes both time and effort, it touches the receiver on an emotional level. In addition, it enhances the confidence of a person and makes them feel loved.
Keep the Good Ol’ Traditions Alive

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The ancient Chinese first introduced the prevailing tradition of sending greeting cards. They used to exchange messages of goodwill to mark the New Year. So let’s keep this heartfelt tradition alive and keep spreading good vibes.
You can either buy a greeting card or make one of your own. So jot down your emotions, paste pictures, add cute drawings and take it up a notch. So tell us in the comments what is your take on the greetings cards and who will you be sending them to.