Self-love is the best love. Period! How many of you have read this quote? Everyone right? But how many of you have implemented it in your life? A handful I believe! Ever since we were in school, we have been taught to work continually, diligently and instil a competitive spirit to propel ourselves to success. The result being we devote our lives to working unceasingly, being too hard on ourselves, battling anxiety and feeling older than our age. It is important to practice compassion that will motivate and help you develop self-love and confidence in yourself. No, it doesn’t mean being absolved of responsibility for our errors and failures. But letting go of the mistakes, focusing on the positives and celebrating our achievements help us become the better version of ourselves. Here are the top 5 ways to acknowledge and celebrate your achievements.
Brag About it to your Loved One

Source: GIPHY
Don’t be shy about talking about your success or an accomplishment. By sharing your accomplishments with your friends and family, you give them a reason to celebrate and rejoice. Simply call them and let them know of your prestigious award or an impressive accomplishment without sounding proud or arrogant. The key here is to share your little joys with the people who are your forever cheerleader.
Write in a Journal on How Good it Feels

Source: GIPHY
Practice the art of maintaining an accomplishment journal. It will help you track your overall development. The best thing about journaling is that it helps you to note down such important days of your life. Keeping a note of your accomplishments can be one of the powerful ways to improve your productivity, creativity, mood and even motivate you to reach new heights.
Give Yourself Some Time Off to Revel in your Achievements

Source: GIPHY
You had a big win! Yes, you deserve some time off to absorb and enjoy that feeling of your achievements after sleepless days and nights. Treat yourself to your favourite dessert, enjoy a spa, shop that dress you have been yearning for so long or even throw a small get-together with your friends. Besides, taking time off is important for your health too. Recharge your batteries as you prepare for your next big thing.
Dance & Rejoice

Source: GIPHY
Completing a project successfully and getting acknowledged is a big reason in itself to rejoice. Dance your heart out as you soak yourself into glory. After all, dance is the ultimate expression of happiness, freedom, joy and liberation. So if you have achieved anything, celebrate it by dancing. Dancing your way to glory is among the top ways to acknowledge and celebrate your achievements for it is a reflection of joy and happiness.
Treat yourself to a Fancy Dinner

Source: GIPHY
Whenever you reach a significant milestone or achieve a specific goal, reward yourself with a fancy, solo dinner. Eat to your heart’s content for you might not be having time to have a proper meal amongst all the hum-drum. Believe us, nice food in a nice setting will satisfy you immensely. So, ready for a date with yourself – the best company on the earth you can have.
So these were the top 5 ways to acknowledge and celebrate your achievements. Next time you tick off a goal, give a pat on your back and treat yourself! Acknowledging your wins can work wonders. After all, no matter how big or small; it takes all blood, sweat and tears to achieve an objective. Hence, you deserve a treat as you have worked towards them without giving up.