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      مع العديد من المزايا الأخرى

      هدية تشيز بوكس

      ما بتحلى السهرات وجمعات الأصحاب من دون المنقرشات الشهية وأفضل سناكات الحفلات من أعياد ميلاد وعيد زواج. تسوق الآن من إف إن بي تشيز بوكس مع المناقيش والفطائر اللذيذة لتقضي أحلى الأوقات، تمتع بتوصيل سريع وجودة عالية وسعر مناسب. اطلب الآن!

      4.9 star_half
      هدية تشيز بوكس
      هدية تشيز بوكس
      4.9 150 5
      آراء عملائنا
      5 5 star
      Cheese Harmony Box
      5 5 star
      Happy Tummy Cheese n Savouries Collection
      "Everything was p"
      5 5 star
      Breads and Dips Breakfast Box
      "Delivery guy was great, on time, and friendly. The food was also great value for money. "
      5 5 star
      Breads and Dips Breakfast Box
      "What's the one thing that you really liked about us is all above points are �� Your team worked superbly on this No complaints keep "
      5 5 star
      Small Cheese Box with Condiments
      "Difficult to choose one. Your quality, packaging, card message, informing regarding the delivery status, and everything is superb. Thank you. Was hesitant as used Joi gifts always, but such a pleasure to have taken the decision. Most definitely will be using your facilities as often as I need to send to Dubai. Thank you!"
      5 5 star
      Jingle Bells Cheesebox
      "I have used this company twice now, since my girlfriend is working in Abu Dhabi. FNP is never falling on quality and delivery timing. I'm not gonna use others. Greetings from Norway "
      5 5 star
      Santa Cheese and Munchies Box
      "quick fast and efficient, love the service and the product is consistently good "
      5 5 star
      Mini Savouries Collection
      "Absolutely exc"
      5 5 star
      Decorated Ginger House
      "It was amazing! My guests were impressed"
      5 5 star
      Happy Tummy Cheese n Savouries Collection
      "Wonderful service. Ordering easy and straightforward, updates accurate, arrived exactly as requested and goods as described. "
      5 5 star
      Breads and Dips Breakfast Box
      "Amazing service it was great "
      5 5 star
      Dream Choco Photo Cake
      "Very good services and product. Came exactly on time. Thank you "
      عرض كل التقييمات
      عرض 10 من الهدايا 10 |  
        {"facetFieldFilterOptions":[],"minProdPriceRange":159.0,"maxProdPriceRange":449.0,"facetFieldTagOptions":[],"facetRangeOptions":[{"filterName":"PRICE_AED","filterFacetField":"PRICE_AED","filterOptions":[{"value":"[0.0 TO 200.0]","priceStart":0.0,"selected":false,"priceEnd":200.0,"count":2},{"value":"[200.0 TO 400.0]","priceStart":200.0,"selected":false,"priceEnd":400.0,"count":7},{"value":"[400.0 TO 600.0]","priceStart":400.0,"selected":false,"priceEnd":600.0,"count":1},{"value":"[600.0 TO *]","priceStart":600.0,"selected":false,"priceEnd":"*","count":0}]}],"deliveryDateDtls":{"deliveryDateFieldName":"deliveryDate"},"noResultsFound":false,"productCategoryId":"cheese-boxes","productCategoryName":"هدية تشيز بوكس","viewSize":10,"queryTime":3,"listSize":10,"responseMessage":"success","startRows":0,"productResults":[]}

        تسوق الآن بوكس جبنة مميز من إف إن بي

        هل تحب الجبنة؟ فعليك إذاً أن تلقي نظرةً على السلسة الواسعة التي نقدّمها من علب الجبن في موقعنا فهي ستكون أفضل مفاجأة لأصدقائك وأفضل سناك لحفلة عيد الميلاد أو أي حفلة أخرى تقيمونها من إف إن بي.

        يمكنك تقديمها كهدية جميلة في العديد من المناسبات الأخرى . اختر وأرسل من مجموعتنا الواسعة من بوكس الجبنة لأصدقاء في أعياد الميلاد، أو في الرحلات، وسواها من المناسبات.