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      ورود الحب

      مشاعر الحب والرومانسية أكثر المشاعر رقياً وجمالاً. لا بدّ أنك تتشوق لمشاركة هذه المشاعر مع نصفك الآخر. مع خدمة توصيل سريع ، يمكنك أن ترسل الأزهار الرومانسية إلى حبك أينما كان لذا، أسرع وتصفحً مجموعتنا لـ ورود الحب واحفظ هذه اللحظات مع أجمل الأزهار.
      4.9 star_half
      ورود الحب
      ورود الحب
      4.9 96 5
      آراء عملائنا
      5 5 star
      Premium Orange Tulips Bouquet
      "Excellent service as always. Thank you."
      5 5 star
      Elegant Rose Bouquet With Chocolate Fudge Cake
      "Thank you so much for the support! Your service is beyond exceptional! "
      5 5 star
      A Bouquet of Sweetness
      "This is the first time I�ve ordered something to be delivered from outside the UK so was slightly neevous, however the process was easy, it was delivered on time and my fiancé was really surprised and happy with the quality of the goods. Thank you so much. I will definitely use again. "
      5 5 star
      Red Roses with Red Velvet Cake
      "Everything was beyond amazing, you are very professional and alert to details and customer satisfaction. That�s in addition to your products of very highquality and elegant packaging Thanks so much, i am sure it�s not the last time i deal with you"
      5 5 star
      OnlinePrecious Peonies Bouquet
      5 5 star
      Majestic Roses
      5 5 star
      Majestic Roses
      "Loved it !"
      5 5 star
      3 Pink 3 Red Roses Valentines Bouquet And Teddy
      "You are professionals. Thank you. Toni"
      5 5 star
      Flower Flower Bouquet Roses Flowers
      "Thank you for your excellent customer service! "
      5 5 star
      Majestic Roses
      "Roses were amazing, but customer service was even better. Last minute change of address was handled quickly and efficiently. Thanks so much!"
      5 5 star
      Flower Flower Arrangement Lilies Roses Carantions Flowers
      "All of the about, they're the Best at what they do at any price."
      5 5 star
      Timeless 20 Red Roses Bouquet
      "Everything was perfect; quality, delivery and update reports. Couldn�t have been any better!"
      عرض كل التقييمات
      عرض 40 من الهدايا 220 |  
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