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      مع العديد من المزايا الأخرى

      كب كيك عيد الحب

      Valentine’s Day is the time to celebrate love and surprise your partner with fantastic presents. Cupcakes are the sweet little treats that are perfect to delight your beloved on V-Day and create memories for a lifetime. Send flavoured cupcakes to your partner in the UAE for the most romantic day of the year that is bound to make them fall in love with you once again.

      4.5 star_half
      كب كيك عيد الحب
      كب كيك عيد الحب
      4.5 2 5
      آراء عملائنا
      4 4 star_half
      Valentine Special Cupcakes And Teddy
      5 5 star
      Valentine Special Red Velvet Cup Cake 6 Pcs
      عرض 2 من الهدايا 2 |  
        {"facetFieldFilterOptions":[],"minProdPriceRange":99.0,"maxProdPriceRange":109.0,"facetFieldTagOptions":[],"facetRangeOptions":[{"filterName":"PRICE_AED","filterFacetField":"PRICE_AED","filterOptions":[{"value":"[0.0 TO 200.0]","priceStart":0.0,"selected":false,"priceEnd":200.0,"count":2},{"value":"[600.0 TO *]","priceStart":600.0,"selected":false,"priceEnd":"*","count":0}]}],"deliveryDateDtls":{"deliveryDateFieldName":"deliveryDate"},"noResultsFound":false,"productCategoryId":"cup-cakes/valentines-day","productCategoryName":"كب كيك عيد الحب","viewSize":2,"queryTime":3,"listSize":2,"responseMessage":"success","startRows":0,"productResults":[]}