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      مع العديد من المزايا الأخرى

      ورد عيد الميلاد مع تيدي بير

      تشكل الأزهار وتيدي بير مزيجًا مثاليًا يذيب قلوب أحبائك في مناسبتهم الخاصة. لعيد ميلاد حبيبتك اختر من هذه المجموعة المميزة ولتكن حفلة عيد الميلاد هذه المرة هي الأفضل ،مع إف إن بي أرسل كل ما ترغب به .
      4.9 star_half
      ورد عيد الميلاد مع تيدي بير
      ورد عيد الميلاد مع تيدي بير
      4.9 29 5
      آراء عملائنا
      5 5 star
      Birthday Surprise Combo
      5 5 star
      Teddy Balloon and Flower Box with Chocolates
      "Very pleased with the quality of the product, excellent, delivery was very good, very good all round. "
      5 5 star
      Exquisite Surprise Arrangement
      "I have been using the services of Ferns N Petals since many years now. They are the best for sending gifts in UAE. They keep updated at every stage of delivery. They also send reminders to send the gift on time for a birthday or any other event. The products used are extremely fresh. I am thoroughly satisfied with their services & plan to use them in future too. "
      5 5 star
      Birthday Surprise Combo
      "Everything was oee"
      5 5 star
      Mesmerising Flowers and Chocolates Bouquet with Teddy bear
      "You were very helpful and called me while I was placing the order. Helped me with my order and gave me a dec"
      5 5 star
      Exquisite Surprise Arrangement
      "Perfect. The daughter's birthday present would never have arrived on time from Italy without you! Thanks! "
      5 5 star
      Exquisite Surprise Arrangement
      "Thank you ����"
      5 5 star
      Exquisite Surprise Arrangement
      "Amazing thanks"
      5 5 star
      Birthday Surprise Combo
      "My trusted site whenever we want to send something sweet for our love ones! "
      5 5 star
      Classic Blooms and Chocolates with Teddy bear
      "It's my first time ordering here and I thank you for the great customer service. The gifts are just perfect."
      5 5 star
      Exquisite Surprise Arrangement
      "Thank you very much great job!"
      5 5 star
      Mesmerising Flowers and Chocolates Bouquet with Teddy bear
      "Absolutely love everything about this site and the first class service and quality of gifts. Thank you! "
      عرض كل التقييمات
      عرض 4 من الهدايا 4 |  
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