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      مع العديد من المزايا الأخرى

      ورد عيد الزواج

      ذكرى زواج سنوية تحتاج إلى بعض اللمسات واختيار هدية عيد زواج مناسبة ومميزة وأفضل أفكار هدايا عيد الزواج مهما تكررت هي باقة ورد عيد الزواج التي تقدم بها كل مشاعر الحب الآن من متجر إف إن بي انقل أفكارك المحبة إلى زوجتك الجميلة. أرسل ورد يوم الزواج وارسم ابتسامة جميلة على وجه حبيبتك مع خدمة توصيل سريع أطلب الآن.
      4.8 star_half
      ورد عيد الزواج
      ورد عيد الزواج
      4.8 299 5
      آراء عملائنا
      5 5 star
      Chocolate Cake with Buch of 6 Red Roses
      "Been a sincere customer for 4 years now. Loving every day and more. Thank you "
      5 5 star
      Bouquet Of Orange Roses Standard
      "You guys do a great job"
      5 5 star
      Pink Spray Rose in Small Basket
      "Nice Timing to Deliver and Quality is Perfect. you made our day special by giving this Gift on time and the way it intended to be. Thanks F&P team. Regards, Pandiyan Nakkeeran"
      5 5 star
      Romantic Roses Bouquet
      "I was indeed very happy with the whole process. The gift was delivered on time and it was perfectly packed. It was meant as a surprise for someone and it really worked to perfection. Definitely will recommend."
      4 4 star_half
      Bouquet of 6 Beautiful Roses
      "Awesome service and more important is timely delivery "
      5 5 star
      Exquisite Surprise Arrangement
      "Very fast delivery and quality flowers. I will definitely order again, thanks "
      5 5 star
      Wonderful Whites
      "My wife got surprised when she received the package."
      5 5 star
      Forever Love For Mom & Dad
      4 4 star_half
      Mixed Rose Arrangement In Glass Vase
      "All good"
      5 5 star
      Colorful Tulip Bouquet
      "I really like the Tulips because it is still fresh. Even the packaging is so beautiful. Will definitely order again."
      5 5 star
      Roses Bouquet & Designer Mono Cake
      "Everything is good! Thankyou!"
      5 5 star
      100 Roses Grand Expressions
      "Quick delivery and amazing presentation. Family was so happy with the surprise. Recommend 100%"
      عرض كل التقييمات
      عرض 40 من الهدايا 239 |  
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