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    شجيرات عبر الإنترنت

    If you are looking for a background for the plants or to divide the garden, then shrubs are the thing that you are looking for. A trained shrub can be used as wall shrubs and some are also used for hedging. Some shrubs display a colorful and often scented flower that makes the garden more interesting.

    4.8 star_half
    شجيرات عبر الإنترنت
    شجيرات عبر الإنترنت
    4.8 53 5
    آراء عملائنا
    5 5 star
    Cactus Jute Wrapped Potted Plant
    "Thank you so much for everything great service."
    4 4 star_half
    Cake of Wishes
    "Thank you as always everything is perfect and on-time. "
    5 5 star
    Jute Wrapped Yellow Kalanchoe Plant
    "all good"
      {"facetFieldFilterOptions":[],"minProdPriceRange":39.0,"maxProdPriceRange":99.0,"facetFieldTagOptions":[],"facetRangeOptions":[{"filterName":"PRICE_AED","filterFacetField":"PRICE_AED","filterOptions":[{"value":"[0.0 TO 200.0]","priceStart":0.0,"selected":false,"priceEnd":200.0,"count":7},{"value":"[600.0 TO *]","priceStart":600.0,"selected":false,"priceEnd":"*","count":0}]}],"deliveryDateDtls":{"deliveryDateFieldName":"deliveryDate"},"noResultsFound":false,"productCategoryId":"shrubs","productCategoryName":"شجيرات عبر الإنترنت","viewSize":7,"queryTime":2,"listSize":7,"responseMessage":"success","startRows":0,"productResults":[]}