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      أزهار وشوكولا ليوم الورد

      The universal sign of love is rose and so it is rose which is the best option to communicate your love. Enchant your loved ones with our exclusive combo of flowers with chocolates, sweeping them off their feet. Send flowers and chocolates for Rose day through our website as our flowers are freshly plucked and it is complemented with our delicious chocolates.

      5 star
      أزهار وشوكولا ليوم الورد
      أزهار وشوكولا ليوم الورد
      5 2 5
      آراء عملائنا
      5 5 star
      Passionate Red Roses and Chocolates Box
      "excellent 100% "
      5 5 star
      Passionate Red Roses and Chocolates Box
      عرض 23 من الهدايا 23 |  
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